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since 2004

Why soak in water before the floor tiles are pasted?

by:JIABANG     2021-07-02
Many people are very unfamiliar with the knowledge of ceramic tiles. They think that all ceramic tiles need to be soaked in water. The answer is of course wrong. Not all tiles need to be soaked in water. Sometimes it depends on the situation. (1) The reason for soaking the tiles in water is to prevent the absorption of moisture from the cement mortar, so as to avoid hollowing, falling off, or even cracks, especially for wall paving. Before paving the wall, you need to face the wall. This is also true for sprinkling water on the surface. The tiles have more or less pores, soak water before laying, so that the pores can fully absorb water.   (2) The correct way to soak tiles in water    Since 'soaking in water' is said, then all tiles must be immersed in water. Generally, the construction party will prepare a large basin. However, there are also some irresponsible construction teams who pile up the tiles and pour water on them with water pipes. This can only soak the tiles and not make the tiles fully 'satisfied'. Various problems are likely to occur after paving. (3) Which types of tiles need to be soaked in water? In terms of the water absorption rate of the tiles, the water absorption rate is less than 0.5%. There is no need to soak water when paving, and the glazed wall tiles and floor tiles for kitchen and bathroom have water absorption rate. Generally more than 10%, it is necessary to soak in water when paving.   5. Why do we have to leave seams when tiling tiles? Is it okay not to leave seams for fear of turning black? First of all, the ceramic tiles will expand and contract to a certain extent when heated or cold in winter. At the same time, the cement sand to which the tiles are pasted will also expand and contract with changes in temperature and humidity. No gaps between the tiles will easily cause the tiles to arch and crack. open.  Secondly, there is a certain error in the edge of the tiles, and each tile cannot be guaranteed to be 100% flat, especially when cutting the tiles on the decoration site, it is prone to errors, and the remaining seams can keep the whole neat and uniform.   Third, you don’t have to be afraid of turning black when you leave the seams. The following methods can be used to solve this problem. (1) You can melt the caustic soda into warm water, use a cloth to scrub the cracks and stains, and they will quickly turn white;    (2) Use detergent or decontamination cream to spray the dirt on the joints of the bricks, brush with a toothbrush for a while, and rinse with water. And clean; finally brush a layer of waterproofing agent to prevent mold growth;    (3) Anti-black dirt in the kitchen tile joints can spread the candles evenly on the gaps, and with the candle layer, no longer afraid of black oil stains;    (4) For new houses, it is best to use beauty joint agent for the tile gaps. Only a small amount of it is needed to cover the surface of the tile joints, which can better solve the problem of dirty and black tile joints, and it is also very convenient to clean.
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