
Leading decking tile manufacturer

since 2004

How many production lines does Jiabang run?
For manufacturers, falling behind on manufacturing capacity and efficiency means delayed deliveries and the incompetency in meeting the needs of customers, which can cause customers to find others - more timely and capable suppliers. At Foshan Jiabang Garden Supplies Co.,Ltd., we have introduced many advanced production lines, greatly increasing our production capacity and efficiency, and reducing our time and costs of production. No matter how many decking tile you need, we are able to ensure higher quality, shorter lead time, and more competitive pricing.
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With years' of experience and research on composite wood tiles, Jiabang is prestigious for the strong capabilities in developing and manufacturing. Jiabanghas created a number of successful series, and stone deck tiles is one of them. non slip bathroom tiles is especially fits for the usage in plastic floor tiles outdoor. Our good products win us many distinguished customers, such as Build Direct in US, Clas Olhson in Sweden. The product is becoming more and more popular with many demands for its outstanding features. We've been focusing on manufacturing high quality decking tiles for domestic and abroad customers.
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Our company bears social responsibility. We take critical steps to develop sustainability in our operations with training and a material library.

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